100 Human Body Version 2.0 clearly headed towards a fundamental and radical redesign of the extremely inefficient and limited functionality of human body version 1.0. SO WHATS LEFT? The skeleton is a stable structure, and we already have a reasonable understanding of how it works. We replace parts of it today, although our current technology for doing this has  severe  limitations.  Inter-linking  nanobots  will  provide the ability to augment and ultimately replace the skeleton. Replacing portions of the skeleton today requires painful sur- gery, but replacing it through nanobots from within can be a gradual and noninvasive process. The human skeleton version 2.0 will be very strong, stable, and self-repairing. We will not notice the absence of many of our organs, such as the liver and pancreas, as we do not directly experience their functionality. The skin, however, is an organ we will actually want to keep, or at least we will want to maintain its function- ality. The skin, which includes our primary and secondary sex organs, provides a vital function of communication and plea- sure. Nonetheless, we will ultimately be able to improve on the skin with new nanoengineered supple materials that will provide greater protection from physical and thermal envi- ronmental effects while enhancing our capacity for intimate communication and pleasure. The same observation holds for the mouth and upper esophagus, which comprise the remain- ing aspects of the digestive system that we use to experience the act of eating.